尽管省教学能手评比的最终结果还没出来 ,但从当时个人的感觉、课堂的气氛、学生的调动、听课教师的反映等方方面面的情况看 ,胜券当稳操在手了。返校后 ,课程又正好进行到《沁园春·雪》(参赛时所讲的课文 )。信手拈来 ,参赛时精心设计的教案未加任何改动就被我“搬”到了自己
Although the final results of the provincial teaching expert evaluation have not come out yet, from the perspective of personal feelings, the atmosphere of the classroom, the mobilization of students, the reflection of lecturers, etc. After returning to school, the course went right to the “Spring Garden Snow” (when participating in the text). With good faith, the carefully designed lesson plans were “moved” to me by myself without any changes.