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在报上见到一则消息,说某中学开始尝试使用国外教材并要求老师用英文讲授数理化。 中学是基础教育阶段,这段时期的文化课若采用国外教材,我认为,其弊会远大于利。 从学习上看,首先是发音问题。目前的中学师资水平,数理化老师不可能都有标准的英语发音。天天听一堆不标准的发音,久而久之,英语课大约就得改成整堂的语音纠正课了。其次,是知识掌握的问题。如果学生的听力未过关,那么就很可能出现理解错误。学习心理中最重视第一次感知的正确性,否则矫 In the newspaper, I saw a message that a middle school began to try to use foreign textbooks and asked the teacher to teach mathematics and physics in English. Middle school is the basic education stage. If foreign language textbooks are used in the cultural courses in this period, I think that the disadvantages will be far greater than profits. From the point of view of learning, first of all, it is a question of pronunciation. At the current level of secondary school teachers, mathematics and chemistry teachers cannot have standard English pronunciation. Listening to a lot of non-standard pronunciation every day, over time, English classes will have to be changed into a whole room of speech correction classes. Second, it is the problem of knowledge control. If the student’s hearing does not pass, then misunderstandings are likely to occur. In learning psychology, the correctness of the first perception is the most important, or else
下面十个字围成一个圆圈,正念两句,倒念两句便组成了一首四句七言诗。 The following ten words form a circle, two words of righteous thoughts, and two sentences in r
提高课堂教学效率 ,是每一个教师毕生的追求。尤其是在知识突飞猛进更迭加速的今天 ,在有限的时间里要将知识和技能传授给学生 ,提高效率显得更加重要。教师的传授和学生的理
Acute kidney injury(AKI) is a common complication in patients with end-stage liver disease and advanced cirrhosis regardless of the underlying cause. Hepatorena
本文对旅客列车影响区和非影响区进行了分析,进而确定了非影响区及影响区内可铺画的货物列车数,提出了双线自动闭塞区段旅客列车扣除系数的分析计算方法 In this paper, the i