烈日当空,盛夏炎炎,江西省万载县潭埠镇芳林村,离村部不远处一栋低矮的农宅侧,杂草与荆棘丛生的菜园篱笆墙下,满填在排水沟中的泥土被慢慢扒开了,一阵奇臭扑鼻,露出一颗狰狞的人头(骨卢)骨及花衣裹住的尸骨…… 这是1996年8月8日上午,揭开龙财香神秘失踪之谜时的场景。一个多月来,张树云故意杀人案、也是“严打”开展以来甚为棘手的疑案,今天终于云开月朗,柳暗花明了。
In the scorching sun and the midsummer season, Fanglin Village, Tanbu Town, Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province, is not far from the village near a low farm side, under weeds and thorny vegetable garden hedges filled with fillings The soil was slowly opened, a burst of strange and foul smelling, exposing a staggering human head (bone Lu) bone and flower wrapped wrapped in bones ... ... This is the morning of August 8, 1996, opened the mystery of the disappearance of Long Financial Hong Mystery scene. More than a month, Zhang Shiyun intentional homicide, but also “strike hard” since the very difficult case of suspicion, and finally finally opened the door, illustrious.