滇虹 将“康王”品牌保卫战进行到底

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品牌保护是中国企业走向强大的必由之路,只有有了商标保护才可能使企业品牌国际化经营得到保障。然而,在国内众多知名企业遭遇品牌危机的无数案件中,最离奇也最令人费解的莫过于昆明滇虹药业有限公司“康王”品牌被侵权一案。滇虹药业4年的维权过程中,不仅耗资上亿元,而且假“康王”产品越打越多、甚至由小品牌变成了大品牌,没名气打出了名。这为众多立志于品牌化和国际化经营的企业在品牌管理方面敲响了警钟。 Brand protection is the only way for Chinese enterprises to go strong. Only with the protection of trademarks will it be possible to guarantee the international operation of corporate brands. However, in many innocent domestic enterprises suffered brand crisis numerous cases, the most bizarre is also the most puzzling than Kunming Yunnan Rainbow Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. “Kang Wang” brand infringement case. Yunnan Hong Pharmaceutical 4-year rights process, not only cost hundreds of millions of yuan, and leave “Kang Wang ” more and more products to play, even from a small brand into a big brand, did not fame hit name. This has sounded the alarm in brand management for many enterprises that are determined to be branding and internationalized.
教材:人教版九年义务教育六年制小学教科书《语文》第十二册。  设计理念:《奴隶英雄》这篇略读课文属于话剧中的独幕剧。教学这篇课文,应扶放结合,让学生充分阅读课文,在读中感悟,悟中练说。让学生熟练掌握课文的内容,同时要引导学生进一步领会本册的两个学习训练重点:“注意搜集有关资料”;“抓住关键语句想开去,进一步感悟文章所要表达的情感”。使学生能从具体的语境出发,从品读斯巴达克与奴隶们的对话中,体会斯巴