加勒比海位于两大洲(南、北美洲)和两大洋(太平洋和大西洋)之间。由于地质结构的复杂性,成为地学理论研究的课题。为了揭示加勒比海的奥秘,由美国哥伦比亚大学地质学家组成的“拉蒙特-多尔蒂”(Lamont-Doherty)地质考察队对加勒比海进行调查。考察队在加勒比海东部阿韦斯海岭(Aves Ridge)南端水深1,839米处的海底发现大大小小的花岗岩卵石,有的重量可达2
The Caribbean Sea is located between two continents (South and North America) and two oceans (Pacific and Atlantic Ocean). Due to the complexity of geological structure, it has become the research topic of geosciences. To unravel the secrets of the Caribbean, a survey by the Lamont-Doherty geological team of geologists at Columbia University in the Caribbean was conducted. Expeditions found granite pebbles, large and small, on the seabed, 1,839 meters deep at the southern tip of the Aves Ridge in the eastern Caribbean Sea, some weighing up to 2