
来源 :人生十六七 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyf1122
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朱安琪:我不是你的天使阳光暖暖的一个午后,我照例坐到座位上,准备开始上课前的预习。我打开文具盒,刚要伸手去拿钢笔,忽然发现里面有一条一寸多长黄绿色的大青虫,毛茸茸的,正在里面一点点蠕动。我吓得“啪”的一下就把文具盒扔出好远,坐在椅子上抖个不停。虫子是掉出来了,我的东西也散落了一地,那条虫子在钢笔和橡皮之间没有目标地自由伸展,我急得直想哭。我突然发现坐在我后排的几个男生,一直在捂着嘴偷偷地笑。我心里有说不出的委屈,趴在桌子上呜呜地哭了起来,我不知道自己做错了什么,难道我胖,我不漂亮,所有的人就都可以欺负我了吗?就像过了一个世纪那么漫长,上课的铃声响了,秦飞扬不紧不慢地走进教室。路过那个地方时,他下意识地看了一下周围的同学,认出了是我的文具盒,也看见了我 Zhu Anqi: I am not an afternoon when your angels are warm. I sit in my seat as usual and are ready to start the pre-class study. I opened the stationery box and was just about to reach for the pen. Suddenly I discovered that there was a large, yellowish-green, green worm, furry, and it was crawling a little inside. I scared “啪” to throw the stationery box far away, sitting in the chair and shaking. The bugs fell out, and my things were scattered in one place. The insect was stretching freely between the fountain pen and the eraser. I was anxious to cry. I suddenly discovered that the boys who were sitting in the back of my back had been laughing secretly. There was something I couldn’t tell in my heart. I cried on the table and weeping. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. I was fat. I am not pretty. Can all people bully me? After a century of so long, the bell rang in the class and Qin Feiyang stepped into the classroom without hesitation. When he passed that place, he unconsciously looked around at the classmates, recognized my stationery box, and saw me.
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