Thermal stability and data retention of resistive random access memory with HfO_x/ZnO double layers

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ksxxccna
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As an industry accepted storage scheme, hafnium oxide(HfO_x) based resistive random access memory(RRAM)should further improve its thermal stability and data retention for practical applications. We therefore fabricated RRAMs with HfO_x/ZnO double-layer as the storage medium to study their thermal stability as well as data retention. The HfO_x/ZnO double-layer is capable of reversible bipolar switching under ultralow switching current(< 3 μA) with a Schottky emission dominant conduction for the high resistance state and a Poole–Frenkel emission governed conduction for the low resistance state. Compared with a drastically increased switching current at 120℃ for the single HfO_x layer RRAM, the HfO_x/ZnO double-layer exhibits excellent thermal stability and maintains neglectful fluctuations in switching current at high temperatures(up to 180℃), which might be attributed to the increased Schottky barrier height to suppress current at high temperatures. Additionally, the HfO_x/ZnO double-layer exhibits 10-year data retention @85℃ that is helpful for the practical applications in RRAMs. As a industry accepted storage scheme, hafnium oxide (HfO_x) based resistive random access memory (RRAM) should further improve its thermal stability and data retention for practical applications. We therefore fabricated RRAMs with HfO_x / ZnO double-layer as the storage medium to study Their thermal stability as well data retention. The HfO_x / ZnO double-layer is capable of reversible bipolar switching under ultralow switching current (<3 μA) with a Schottky emission dominant conduction for the high resistance state and a Poole-Frenkel emission governed conduction for the low resistance state. Compared with a drastically increased switching current at 120 ° C for the single HfO_x layer RRAM, the HfO_x / ZnO double-layer exhibits excellent thermal stability and maintains neglectful fluctuations in switching current at high temperatures (up to 180 ° C) , which might be attributed to the increased Schottky barrier height to suppress current at high temperatures. Additionally, the HfO_x / ZnO do uble-layer exhibits 10-year data retention @ 85 ° C that is helpful for the practical applications in RRAMs.
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