江苏溧阳天目湖是首批国家4A级旅游度假区,总面积205平方公里,现有常住人口5.6万人,外来流动人口5万人,含旅游度假区和工业园区两大开发区。基础设施、服务设施配套完备, 有五星级宾馆1家,四星级宾馆2家,三星级宾馆4家。18洞的国际标准高尔夫球场于2006年5 月建成使用,高层次的国际会议中心中欧论坛已启动建设,按国际标准建设的联新国际健诊中心正在做前期准备,使投资者在创业的同时享受到高品位的生活。
Tianmu Lake, Liyang, Jiangsu Province, is the first batch of national 4A-level tourist resort with a total area of 205 square kilometers. It has a permanent resident population of 56,000 and a floating population of 50,000, including two tourist resorts and two development zones in the industrial park. Infrastructure, complete supporting facilities, a five-star hotel, two four-star hotel, four three-star hotel. The 18-hole international standard golf course was completed and put into use in May 2006. The China-EU Forum for High-level International Convention Center has started construction. The UN-Singapore International Center for Cardiology, which is built according to international standards, is preparing for the first phase so as to enable investors to start their own businesses Enjoy high quality life.