绍兴,位于宁绍平原,是典型的江南水乡。绍兴人的吃食烹调在江南菜中别具一格,很有地方特色。 早在二千五百年前的越王勾践时期,绍兴的菜肴开始以食鱼、食鸡、食猪和家犬为荤菜。据东汉《越绝书》载,离山阴县约50里之地有座山,是人工养鸡集中之地,故名鸡山。越鸡,个头较小而肉嫩味美,是越人最喜欢的菜肴之一。越国被吴国打败后,还大批向吴国进贡,以博得吴王夫差的欢心。今日绍兴的传统名菜,“清汤越鸡”,相传就是春秋时期越国流传下来的。乾隆皇帝游江南到绍兴时,也闻名而品尝此菜后连声叫好。此菜经过两千年的不断改进与完善,才成为今日绍兴的传统名菜。如在“清汤越鸡”中加火腿、香菇等为辅料,清炖而食,鸡肉细嫩、鸡骨松脆、汤清味美,深受欢迎。
Shaoxing, located in the Ning Shao plain, is a typical southern Yangtze River. Shaoxing people eat cuisine in Gangnam cuisine unique, very local characteristics. As early as 2500 years ago, during the Yue Gou Jian period, the dishes in Shaoxing began to eat fish, chicken, pigs and domestic dogs as meat dishes. According to the Eastern Han Dynasty, “the more must-book” contains, about 50 miles from the Shanyin a mountain, artificial chicken is the focus of the place, hence the name Jishan. The more chicken, smaller head and delicious, is one of the more favorite dish. After Vietnam was defeated by Wu, Wu also tributed to tribute in order to win the favor of poor Wangfu. Today’s traditional dishes of Shaoxing, “broth more chicken,” according to legend, is handed down during the Spring and Autumn Period Vietnam. Emperor Qianlong tour Jiangnan to Shaoxing, but also famous and taste the food even repeatedly applauded. This dish after two thousand years of continuous improvement and improvement, it has become today’s traditional dishes Shaoxing. As in the “broth more chicken” plus ham, mushrooms and other accessories, stewing and food, tender chicken, chicken crisp, Tang Qing delicious, very popular.