一、引言粘弹性高阻尼材料经我公司二年多时间的研制,通过几百次对材料配方的摸索和经几百次的性能测试,最后选定二个系列(31、90系列) 六个品种(3101、3102、3103、3104、9030、9050)。 84年4月由江苏省机械工业厅主持了上述材料的技术和生产鉴定,并获得了通过。与会代表一致认为,我公司研制的粘弹性高阻尼材料的性能,在国内处于领先地位,填补了这类减震、防冲与降噪新颖材料产品的空白,并接近国际上八十年代初同类产品的水平。认为该材料有广阔的使用前途,是减震、降噪、防冲的理想材料,它将对各工业部门及环保部门用于改
I. INTRODUCTION Viscoelastic high-damping material has been developed by our company for more than two years. Through hundreds of times to explore the material formula and hundreds of times through the performance test, the final two series (31, 90 series) six Varieties (3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 9030, 9050). April 1984 by the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Machinery Industry presided over the technical and manufacturing appraisal of the above materials, and was passed. The participants agreed that the performance of viscoelastic high damping materials developed by our company is a leading position in the country to fill the gap of such new products of shock absorption, anti-erosion and noise reduction, and close to the international similar early 1980s Product level. It is considered that this material has a broad use of the future, is the ideal material for shock absorption, noise reduction and anti-impact. It will be used by industrial departments and environmental protection departments to change