1.干热处理。先在28℃下恒温干燥40小时,以降低种子含水量,后在70℃恒温下处理30分钟,种子活性增强,发芽率提高11%,生长速度加快,提早成熟3~5天,增产20%左右。 2.温汤浸种。用60℃热水浸种,水量为种子量的3倍,将种子缓缓倒入,边倒边搅拌,待温度降至25~30℃时,浸种12~24小时,对种子传播病害有控制作用。 3.变温处理。种子催芽期间,采取16小时20℃、8小时30℃的变温,可促使其发芽,增强幼苗的抗逆性。 4.草灰拌种。种子用水喷湿,每公斤种子用草灰
Dry heat treatment First dried at 28 ° C for 40 hours at constant temperature to reduce the water content of the seeds and then treated at 70 ° C for 30 minutes to increase the seed activity and the germination rate by 11%; the growth rate is accelerated; the mature rate is increased by 3 to 5 days and the yield is increased by 20% about. 2. Warm soup soaking. With 60 ℃ hot water soaking, the amount of water 3 times the amount of seeds, the seeds slowly poured into the side while stirring, until the temperature dropped to 25 ~ 30 ℃, the seed soaking 12 to 24 hours, the control of seed-borne diseases . 3. Variable temperature treatment. Seed germination period, take 16 hours 20 ℃, 8 hours 30 ℃ temperature, can promote its germination, enhance seedling resistance. Straw grass seed dressing. Seeds wet with water, with grass ash per kilogram of seeds