Patients Huang Mou, female, 60 years old, farmer. The chief complained to the painless mass on the right side of the face for more than a year, and it increased to a week with pain in the walnuts. History: Approximately 1 year ago, the right facial mass was found to be about the size of the apricot kernel, which increased significantly in the past 1 week with pain and no swelling during eating. The physical examination revealed that the size of the right facial mass was about 3×4×3 cm, soft, and the skin had a normal color. No pus was drained from the parotid duct. Blood is normal. Diagnosis: mixed parotid gland tumor with infection? Surgical exploration, under local anesthesia flap open, blunt separation after seeing buccal muscle fiber contains a lump, mass and buccal muscles and facial nerve buccal branch, lower buccal branch adhesion is tight, careful separation and removal, The size of the mass is about 3 x 2 x 2 cm