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在新课程标准实施的背景下,全新的教学理念营造了全新的小学数学课堂教学文化。小学数学教师身处新课程改革的大潮之中,但是数学课堂中常常出现情境创设流于形式、教学活动机械生硬、教学手段简单乏力、作业难度失之偏颇等问题,解决这些问题已经成为提高小学数学课堂教学质量的当务之急。因此,一要紧扣教学目标,按需创设情境;二要恪守以人为本,促进师生互动;三要践行与时俱进,优化教学手段;四要坚持质量统一,控制作业难度。只有这样,才能避免课堂教学存在的问题,提高教学活动的实效性,进而真正落实新课程标准。 In the context of the implementation of the new curriculum standards, a new teaching philosophy has created a new primary school mathematics classroom teaching culture. Elementary mathematics teachers are in the tide of the new curriculum reform. However, in the mathematics classroom, there are often problems such as the creation of situation in the form, rigid mechanical teaching activities, simple and weak teaching methods, and miscarriage of homework. These problems have been solved Mathematic classroom teaching quality imperative. Therefore, we must closely follow the teaching objectives and create situations as needed. We must abide by the principle of putting people first and promote the interaction between teachers and students. We should practice with the times to optimize teaching methods. We must uphold the principle of uniform quality and control the difficulty of homework. Only in this way can we avoid the problems of classroom teaching, improve the effectiveness of teaching activities, and then truly implement the new curriculum standards.
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