天津市自动化仪表公司于一九八四年三月二十七日——二十九日在天津交通饭店主持召开了由天津自动化仪表八厂试制的XSF—51型热量流量积算器设计定型鉴定会。参加鉴定会的有上级领导机关,计量部门、大专院校、研究单位、各地热力公司系统等四十三个单位、六十七名代表。 代表们听取了自动化仪表八厂的试制总结,热量计工作原理,样机型式试验和天津计量局作的样机的测试报告,代表们还听取了天津煤气公司热力管理所和北京热力公司的现场运行报告,并参观了自动化仪表八厂。
Tianjin Automation Instrumentation Company hosted the XSF-51 heat flow integrator design prototyped by Tianjin Automation Instrument Factory No.8 on March 27th, 1984, at the Tianjin Traffic Hotel. meeting. Attending the appraisal meeting were 43 senior units and 67 representatives from higher authorities, metrology departments, universities, research institutes, and local thermal company systems. The delegates listened to the trial summary of the automation meter No. 8 plant, the working principle of the calorimeter, the prototype test of the prototype, and the test report of the prototype made by the Tianjin Measurement Bureau. The delegates also heard reports from the Tianjin Gas Company Thermal Management Institute and the Beijing Thermal Power Company. , And visited the automation instrument eight factory.