影响男性生殖的因素很多,生殖道感染是其中重要因素之一。精液中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(polymor-phonuclear neutrophil elastase,PMNE)作为男性生殖道感染尤其是隐性感染诊断的重要炎症指标,对男性生育能力有潜在的负面影响。精液PMNE浓度不仅与精液白细胞数、精浆ROS水平显著相关,而且与其他炎症相关细胞因子如IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α水平等密切相关。PMNE对精子质量亦有影响,可以削弱精子活力,影响精子形态和DNA完整性等。精液中存在PMNE抑制剂,可与PMNE形成复合物,两者比例的失衡可以促进慢性炎症的发生,进而可能导致男性不育。检测精液PMNE的方法主要为酶免疫分析法,但检测方法仍需标准化,诊断标准尚需统一。
Many factors affect male reproduction, reproductive tract infection is one of the important factors. As a major inflammatory marker in the diagnosis of male genital tract infections, especially latent infections, polymor-phonuclear neutrophil elastase (PMNE) has the potential negative effect on fertility in males. The concentration of PMNE was not only significantly correlated with seminal leucocyte count and seminal plasma ROS levels, but also with other inflammatory related cytokines such as IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. PMNE also affects sperm quality, weakening sperm motility, affecting sperm morphology and DNA integrity. PMNE inhibitors exist in semen that can form complexes with PMNE. The imbalance between the two can promote the occurrence of chronic inflammation, which may lead to male infertility. The method for detecting PMNE in semen is mainly enzyme immunoassay, but the detection method still needs to be standardized, and the diagnostic criteria need to be unified.