URECA:Efficient Resource Location Middleware for Ubiquitous Environment

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbl666
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We describe an effiective resource location framework for ubiquitous computing environments populated by a diverse set of networks,devices,services and computational entities. Our framework provides context adaptation with the aid of a middleware service to improve the quality of resource location. A resource location protocol suitable to each type of network locates resource effiectively by means of dynamic reconfiguration to the current context. Our framework is also refined by support for interoperability between different types of resource location protocols occurring across a hybrid ubiquitous network. These characteristics also reduce the control overhead for resource location,saving resource,decreasing latency and permitting a considerable degree of scalability. We describe an effiective resource location framework for ubiquitous computing environments populated by a diverse set of networks, devices, services and computational entities. Our framework provide context adaptation with the aid of a middleware service to improve the quality of resource location. A resource location protocol adapted to each type of network locates resource effiectively by means of dynamic reconfiguration to the current context. Our framework is also refined by support for interoperability between different types of resource location protocols occurring across a hybrid ubiquitous network. These characteristics also reduce the control overhead for resource location, saving resource, decreasing latency and permitting a substantial degree of scalability.
同志们 :全国丝虫病监测工作会议今天在海口市开幕了 ,我谨代表卫生部疾病控制司向各省 (自治区、直辖市 )卫生厅 (局 )的有关领导、全国丝虫病技术指导组的专家、有关专业机
判若两人的文坛泰斗郭沫若早年以其才情横溢、大气磅礴的诗篇震撼文坛,被称为“最能代表五四狂飙精神”的诗人,建国后却写下了一大批风骨尽失、简直不堪入目的诗文: Judged
记者(以下简称记):您和丈夫都是大名人,据说你们当年是通过相亲认识的,为什么会选择相亲这种方式?陈月卿(以下简称陈):当时我因为工作原因几乎患上抑郁症,医 Reporter (here