该项选育研究应用自然生态标记法和酯酶同工酶为遗传标记,选择种性特殊、与现有栽培品种差异较大的滇As 99和常规栽培品种杨树菇3号为亲本材料,应用田头菇的种间原生质体融合技术,选择具有双亲本杂交优势的原生质体杂合子单核体作为受体亲本,以滇As 99的单核体为供体亲本,进行单孢对称杂交,选育出优良品性稳定和更优于双亲本的杂种第二代(F2)田头菇新品种“滇A3×s”。该菌株酯酶同工酶呈典型的杂合态,菌丝体培养特性与高产亲本杨树菇3号相似,子实体外观、品质和栽培特点与野生驯化种滇As 99相似。该品种平均单产比亲本提高60%~80%,具有较强的抗逆性,适应性广,在10℃仍能结菇,耐储运,商品性好,遗传性状稳定,是一个具有优良农艺性状的新品种。
The selection of natural selection and esterase isozymes as genetic markers in this breeding research, selecting aspecific species, Dian As 99, which has great difference with existing cultivars, and poplar Mushroom 3, a conventional cultivar, The interspecific protoplast fusion technique of T. edulis was used to select the protoplast heterozygous mononuclear body which has the advantage of parental hybridization as the recipient parent. The mononuclear body of As 99 was used as the donor parent for single-spike symmetric hybridization. Breeding new varieties of “Tianshan Mushroom” (F2) with excellent quality and stability and better than those of the parents, “Yunnan A3 × s”. The isozyme of this strain showed a typical heterozygous state. The mycelium culture characteristics were similar to that of the high-yielding parent poplar 3, and the appearance, quality and cultivation characteristics of its fruiting bodies were similar to that of the wild domesticated species As 99. The average yield of this variety is 60% -80% higher than that of its parent. It has strong resistance, wide adaptability, can still bear mushrooms at 10 ℃, is resistant to storage and transportation, has good commercial properties and stable genetic traits. It is an excellent agronomic New varieties of traits.