北京中医医院妇科通过在腹腔镜下小剂量注射氨甲喋呤和内服外敷中药治疗宫外孕创伤小、疗程短,安全可靠,并能最大限度地保存患者的生育能力,这项科研成果获得国家中医药管理局科技进步三等奖。 宫外孕是妇科急症,病情凶险。田于受精后在输卵管内着床,而输卵管外径仅5毫米左右,承受不了受精卵的不断膨胀,极易破裂导致大出血。北京中医医院妇科医务人员利用腹腔镜早期确诊宫外
Beijing TCM Hospital gynecology laparoscopic small doses of methotrexate and oral administration of Chinese medicine in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy trauma, short course, safe and reliable, and to maximize the patient’s fertility, the scientific research achievements of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Progress third prize. Ectopic pregnancy is a gynecological emergency, dangerous condition. Tian fertilization in the fallopian tube implantation, and tubal diameter is only about 5mm, can not withstand the continuous expansion of the fertilized egg, easily ruptured lead to major bleeding. Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine gynecological medical staff to use laparoscopic early diagnosis of extrauterine