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  Love as Her Grandparents
  For the past six years Lauren Fleishman has been cap-turing the moments between couples that tell the story of a lifetime spent together. Fleishman, an American photographer living in Paris, began the project when her grandfather died. “I found a book next to his bed that had love letters in it,”she says. “They were love letters he had written to my grand-mother during World War II.”
   Fleishman says the letters revealed a side of her grand-father that was new to her:as a young man with his whole life ahead of him. “The letters spoke of a young love,”she says, “the type that was filled with the expectations and the joy of the life they wereabout to embark on together.”
   Fleishman decided to photo-graph and interview couples who had been married for longer than 50 years. She began by going to“senior”dances in Brooklyn, where she lived, and would seek couples who looked like her own grandparents. “At the time I realised I was no longer a granddaughter-my grandfather had been my last living grandparent-and I definitely felt a sense of loss.”Fleishman found that as well as providing rich material for her book, The Lovers, spending time with these people who told her their stories and baked her cakes gave her some sort of comfort at a time when she was grieving.
   The point of the project, Fleishman says, was to portray these men and women as they see themselves:not as“old people”, but as people who are still in love after 50, 60 years.“I wasn’t looking at them in terms of their age,”she says.“I was looking at them in terms of their love. They’re not really photographs of old people. They’re photographs of people in love.”
   It’s certainly true that we don’t often see images of people in their seventies and eighties in which their age or infirmity isn’t the focus. But in Fleishman’s photographs you can see past the wrinkles, the Zimmer frames and the chintzy interiors-what you get is a portrait of enduring love.
   Tip:劳伦·弗莱什曼是一名现居法国巴黎的美国摄影师。在过去的六年里,弗菜什曼一直致力于用相机来记录相伴终生的老年夫妻们的爱情故事。这个创意源于弗莱什曼的个人经历:祖父去世后,弗莱什曼偶然在祖父床头的一本书里发现他写给祖母的情书,这些情书写于二战期间,表现了年轻人的爱恋,充满对未来的美好期待,以及要与祖母携手创造快乐生活的愿望,这是弗莱什曼完全不了解的。祖父的去世让弗菜什曼意识到她失去了最后一位祖父母辈的亲人,这让她感到非常失落,于是萌发了采访婚龄超过50年的伴侣并为他们拍照的想法。她开始从身边寻找,特地去了在自己居住的纽约布鲁克林区专门为老年人开设的舞蹈班,寻找与祖父母年龄相仿的老年夫妻,对合适的对象进行采访。采访过程中听到这些伴侣们娓娓道来他们的恋爱经过,给弗莱什曼的内心带来了一丝安慰。弗莱什曼强调拍摄这些老年夫妻的重点并非“老年人”,而是他们“眼中的彼此”,展现的是经过岁月洗礼后仍然保有的爱。她说:“我从他们身上看到的不是年龄,而是这些结婚超过五六十年的夫妻依然相爱的感觉。”   Love Stories About These Old Couples 他們的爱情故事
  Before photographing the couples, Fleishman would interview them at home, with the couples describing the first time they met, their first date, their wedding day. They are stories of a more innocent time. Fred and Frances Futterman, pictured side by side at their piano, have been married for 66 years. Their first date was a bus ride to Manhattan from Brooklyn and back again. Another woman who was married in 1959 says her first marital home in Wyoming had no running water. There are stories of dancing the jitterbug and the jive with soldiers during the war and of scribbling phone numbers in lipstick on a matchbook.
   Once Fleishman managed to get funding for her book, she began travelling first across America to find couples, then abroad. Before arriving somewhere, she would try to track down couples in advance. Fleishman wrote to the local media after reading an article about Jake and Mary Jacobs from So-lihull and was given their phone number. Jake came to Britain from Trinidad when he was 17 and joined the RAF. Mary Ja-cobs says their romance was“forbidden”because of Jake’s race and when Jake asked, “Would it ever be possible for me to marry you?”her answer was, “Possible, but not probable.”“It wasn’t likely that I would ever marry him, and he knew that,”she says. After the war Jake went back to Trinidad and Mary says her parents“breathed a sigh of relief”. A few years later, however, Jake returned to England. They have been married for over 60 years.
   Elisabeth and Eric MacKay, from Lenzie in Scotland, became part of the project when Fleishman emailed a church to ask if it knew any couples married for a long time. Eric MacKay’s father was initially against their romance because they were of different denominations:Elisabeth’s family was Church of England, while Eric’s was Church of Scotland. Eventually, though, the couple married on 28 August 1956.
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