淋病是我国目前流行的主要性传播疾病。据我国16个性病监测试点城市1989年的统计,淋病病人占全部性病总人数的72.48%。发病有从南方向北方,由沿海向内地、由大中城市向小城镇和农村蔓延的趋势。儿童病例也有所增多。本文就淋病诊治中的几个问题谈谈自己的看法,供同道参考和讨论。 一、正确评价涂片染色法在淋病诊断中的作用 男性急性淋菌性尿道炎病人常有尿痛、尿急和尿道流脓等症状和体征。此时取病人尿道分泌物作涂片,经革兰染色后镜检,结果即可作出初步诊断
Gonorrhea is a major sexually transmitted disease currently prevailing in our country. According to the statistics of 16 pilot cities for sexually transmitted diseases in China in 1989, patients with gonorrhea account for 72.48% of the total number of STDs. Incidence from south to north, from the coast to the interior, from medium to large cities to small towns and rural areas tend to spread. There have also been more cases of children. This article discusses some of the problems in gonorrhea diagnosis and treatment for their own views, for fellow reference and discussion. First, the correct evaluation of smear staining in the diagnosis of gonorrhea Male patients with acute gonococcal urethritis often dysuria, urgency and urethral pus and other symptoms and signs. At this point to take the patient urethral discharge for smear, after Gram stain microscopy, the results can be a preliminary diagnosis