产后出血性休克是低血容量休克,它的发生显示重要脏器微循环灌注量急剧减少,组织代谢严重障碍和细胞受损的全身性病理生理过程。临床上对休克患者如何争分夺秒地进行抢救,以保持心血管动力学状态的稳定,对后续的处理及预后有很重要的意义。根据目前我国急救医学的发展,远远不能满足社会需求,其中原因之一为急救仪器设备的落后。因而有必要加强急救医学的临床研究和基础理论的研究。国内抗休克裤(anti-shock trousers,简称AST)的研制和临床应用,取得了良好效果,填补了我国急救
Postpartum hemorrhagic shock is hypovolemic shock and its occurrence shows a drastic reduction of microcirculation perfusion of important organs and microcirculation, serious obstacles to tissue metabolism and systemic pathophysiological processes of cellular damage. Clinically how to fight against time-consuming rescue patients in order to maintain the stability of cardiovascular dynamics, the follow-up treatment and prognosis of great significance. According to the current development of emergency medicine in our country, far from being able to meet the needs of society, one of the reasons for the first aid equipment behind. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the clinical research of emergency medicine and the research of basic theory. Domestic anti-shock pants (anti-shock trousers, referred to as AST) research and clinical application, and achieved good results, to fill the first aid