艾滋病在全球的广泛流行已成为严重的公共卫生和社会问题。目前,随着各种影响艾滋病流行的因素不断增加,我国已进入艾滋病快速增长期,专家估计全国艾滋病感染者人数已愈百万。上海市自1987年首次发现HIV感染者以来,截止2 0 0 2年底累计报告HIV感染者和AIDS病人共计716例。近年
The worldwide epidemic of AIDS has become a serious public health and social problem. At present, with various factors that have an impact on the AIDS epidemic, China has entered a period of rapid AIDS growth. Experts estimate that there are more than 1 million AIDS-infected people in the country. Since Shanghai first discovered HIV infection in 1987, a total of 716 HIV-infected and AIDS patients have been reported by the end of 2002. in recent years