媲美真花,净化空气,销路不愁,高利无忧 能净化空气的超级仿真花,为什么好赚钱——访超级仿真花研发推广领军人姚长领

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敏锐的眼光,艰辛的研发姚长领可以说是中国内地最早发现仿真花商机的人之一。这得益于他多年练就的敏锐商业眼光。与仿真花的第一次接触是2003年底,亲戚从荷兰旅游回来带给他一束特殊的花——蝴蝶兰。让他意想不到的是,这束花竟然不是真花,是手工做的,可花瓣和真花一样有质感,和国内的绢花、塑料花截然不同。价格更是让他张口结舌:500 A keen eye, arduous research and development Yao long collar can be said that the earliest discovery of artificial flowers in mainland China one of the people. This is due to his keen business vision that he has practiced for many years. The first contact with the simulation flower is the end of 2003, relatives from the Netherlands to return to bring him a bunch of special flowers - Phalaenopsis. Let him unexpected is that this bunch of flowers is not really flowers, is done by hand, petals and real flowers can have the same texture, and the domestic silk flowers, plastic flowers are completely different. The price is let him blunt: 500