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虽然近几年消费者维权工作发展开始有所改善,基层维权组织对维权工作的逐步重视,但是人民群众的维权意识和社会经济发展还不成正比例,维权工作发展速度仍然需要进一步提升和改进的空间,而基层人民群众通过合法的、正确的途径来维护自己的权益还有很长的道路要走,这条路足够艰难和曲折。基层维权组织工作任务重与工作效率低的矛盾、基层群众维权意识与维权途径的矛盾、基层工作人员工作回报少与工作投入大的矛盾,这三个方面的矛盾互为因果关系,是基层维权工作需要突破的重大问题所在。在基层人民群众里面最常见的包括未成年人,偏远地区的少数民族,老年人等等在各方面不太占优势的人群。本文从基层维权现状来浅析关于未成年人财产权保护法律问题、少数民族同居现状及法律思考、老年人人身财产方面法律维权问题。诚然,在更多基层地区,真正落实此项法律还是存在着种种因素的制约,我在本篇文章中以普通基层消费者为主体的视角,来简单谈一谈基层消费者维权工作展开的难点、现状及对策。 Although the development of consumer rights protection has started to improve in recent years, grassroots rights protection organizations gradually attach importance to the work of safeguarding the rights. However, people’s rights awareness and the social and economic development are not proportionate to each other. Therefore, the development speed of rights protection still needs further improvement and improvement However, there is still a long way to go to safeguard the rights and interests of grassroots people through legitimate and correct ways. This road is difficult and tortuous. The conflict between the grassroots rights protection organizations’ work tasks and low work efficiency, the grassroots awareness of rights protection and the ways of safeguarding rights, the small work returns of grassroots workers and the large investment in work are the cause and effect relationship of each other, The major issues that need to be broken through work. Among the grassroots people, the most common are minors, ethnic minorities in remote areas, the elderly and others who are not predominant in all aspects. This article analyzes the legal issues concerning the protection of property rights of minors, the status quo of living together with minorities and their legal thinking as well as the legal protection of the rights and interests of the elderly in terms of their personal and property rights. Admittedly, in more grassroots regions, there are still a variety of constraints in implementing this law. In this article, I take the perspective of ordinary grassroots consumers as the main body to briefly talk about the difficulties that grassroots consumers face in their work. Current Situation and Countermeasures.
摘 要:语文课程改革以来教学的有效性成为老师们追求的目标。为了提高教学的有效性必须要在教学过程中转变教学理念,改进和完善教学方法和手段。文章针对初中语文教学实际,对如何提高课堂教学有效性进行了积极地尝试探索。  关键词:初中语文;有效性;教学  语文是初中的一门基础课程,语文教师一定要深刻体会这门课程的实质,坚持新课标的基本精神,不断深化研究语文的教学策略,提高教学的实效性,以全新的教育教学理念和
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