笔者从1961年左右开始着手于板栗樱蜂被害树的高接更新工作,研究了比原来的方法(切接)更好、更理想的凹接法。这里介绍该方法: 一、凹接法的特点历来的嫁接法一般使用完熟枝(1年生枝),嫁接时期就局限在春天。而凹接法不仅是完熟枝,就是半熟枝、绿老枝、老老枝等均可以用做嫁接使用。在树液流动期(春、夏、秋)都可嫁接。不同的树种、不同的接穗最佳嫁接期不同:使用完熟枝或老老枝作接穗时嫁接期以4月上旬到5月中旬最为适宜;使用绿老枝时从4月下旬到6月下旬最为适宜;使用半熟枝时则以8—9月效果最好。
From 1961 onwards, the author started to carry out high pick-up and renewal work on the tree of the chestnut cherry tree bee and studied the better and more ideal concave method than the original method. Here’s the method: First, the characteristics of the concave method Historically used grafting generally mature branch (1 year old branch), the grafting period is limited to the spring. The concave method is not only a perfect branch, is a semi-cooked branches, green old branches, old branches, etc. can be used for grafting. In the flow of trees (spring, summer, autumn) can be grafted. Different species, different scion best grafting period: the use of mature branches or old branches for the scion when the grafting period from early April to mid May most suitable; use green old branches from late April to late June most appropriate ; The use of semi-cooked branches when the best effect from August to September.