云和县聚集了国内玩具行业的精英9月的天空,似乎划过一道浓浓的金色,秋意将几许喜悦带给了山水云和这个玩具之城,全国各地玩具业界精英汇集于此, 在丰收的季节里共话玩具美好的未来! 2005年9月8日-10日,中国木制玩具城浙江云和举办了一个盛会——2005中国玩具企业发展论坛,由中国轻工业信息中心、云和县人民政府主办,中国玩具协会、香港贸易发展局、全国各地玩具行业协会支持举办,云和县玩具协会承办。来自
Clouds and counties gathered in the domestic toy industry elite sky in September, it seems that across a thick golden, autumn will bring joy to the mountains and clouds and the toy city, the toy industry elite gathered here, in Harvest season, a total of toys in a beautiful future! September 8, 2005 -10, Zhejiang China Toy wooden cloud held a grand meeting - 2005 China Toy Business Development Forum, the China Light Industry Information Center, Yunhe County People’s Government hosted the China Toy Association, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the toy industry associations across the country to support the holding, Yunhe County Toy Association contractors. From