Garlic is one of the most important vegetables in our country. It is made of garlic cloves and its propagation coefficient is very low, which is only several times or ten times of that of seeding. It is difficult to meet the needs of production and development. The development of plant tissue culture in vitro has drawn the attention of people as a means of accelerating plant propagation and improving varieties. Success has been achieved in horticultural plants such as blueberries, strawberries and potatoes, and is being used in production. In 1973, Harva’nck’s et al obtained callus from garlic leaves and induced seedlings and bulblets. 1676, Kohr’s again from the garlic stem callus induction, seedlings, 1980, Zhou Yunluo callus induction of seedlings with storage leaves. We tried to explore garlic bulb cutting and young leaves cultured callus induction and differentiation into seedlings in order to improve the clonal coefficient of garlic.