1993年福建省水产业各项生产与经济指标均创历史最高水平。 预计全省1993年水产品总产量可达185万吨,比1992年增加25万吨,增幅15.6%,创历史最高水平。 1993年福建省人均占有水产品为59公斤,继续居全国之冠。 在近海渔业资源严重衰退的情况下,福建省积极调整捕捞作业,以外海和远洋为重点,以轻型和节能作业为主。远洋渔业投产船数从起步初期的23艘增加到1993年的71艘,远洋渔业产量和在海洋捕捞业中所占比重持续提高。
In 1993, Fujian’s aquaculture production and economic indicators all set the highest record in history. The province’s total output of aquatic products is expected to reach 1.85 million tons in 1993, an increase of 250,000 tons or 15.6% over 1992, setting an all-time high. In 1993, the per capita possession of aquatic products in Fujian Province was 59 kilograms, ranking the highest in the country. In the case of a serious recession of offshore fishery resources, Fujian Province actively adjusted its fishing operations with a focus on the sea and the oceans, focusing on light-duty and energy-saving operations. The number of offshore fishing vessels put into operation increased from 23 in the initial period to 71 in 1993, and the proportion of offshore fishery production and marine fishing industry continued to increase.