Evaluation of the mold-filling ability of alloy melt in squeeze casting

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:UltraSparc
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The mold-filling ability of alloy melt in squeeze casting process was evaluated by means of the maximum length of Archimedes spiral line. A theoretical evaluating model to predict the maximum filling length was built based on the flowing theory of the incompressible viscous fluid. It was proved by experiments and calculations that the mold-filling pressure and velocity are prominent influencing factors on the mold-filling ability of alloy melt. The mold-filling ability increases with the increase of the mold-filling pressure and the decrease of the proper mold-filling velocity. Moreover, the pouring temperature relatively has less effect on the mold-filling ability under the experimental conditions. The maximum deviation of theoretical calculating values with experimental results is less than 15%. The model can quantitatively estimate the effect of every factor on the mold-filling ability. The mold-filling ability of alloy melt in squeeze casting process was evaluated by means of the maximum length of Archimedes spiral line. A was developed to predict the maximum filling length was built on the flowing theory of the incompressible viscous fluid. It was proved by experiments and calculations that the mold-filling pressure and velocity are obvious influencing factors on the mold-filling ability of alloy melt. The mold-filling ability increases with the increase of the mold-filling pressure and the decrease of the proper mold- The maximum deviation of theoretical calculating values ​​with experimental results is less than 15%. The model can quantitatively estimate the effect of every factor on the mold-filling ability.
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