Traditional Chinese herbal medicine for vascular dementia

来源 :中国药理学与毒理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhougtz
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OBJECTIVE To systematically review the clinical efficacy and safety on TCHMs that are used for vascular dementia(VaD).METHODS To identify studies for systematical review,electronic searches were performed through several databases-ALOIS,CNKI,CBM,Weipu,Wanfang,etc.Only randomized control trials(RCTs)or controlled clinical trials(CCTs)were included.Patients were diagnosed with VaD by diagnostic criteria(DSM,NINDS-AIREN,ICD or HIS)as well as imaging technique(CT,MRI or functional imaging,etc).Eligible TCHMs must be recognized in the Chinese Pharmacopeia or the National Essential Drug List of the People′s Republic of China.Included studies were appraised using the Cochrane Collaboration risk-of-bias criteria.Efficacy and safety outcomes were evaluated by meta-analysis.Efficacy outcomes include cognition,daily function,global performance and behaviour;safety was assessed by the number of adverse events and number of subjects experiencing adverse events.Assessment of heterogeneity,subgroup analysis and sensitivity analysis were also performed.RESULTS A total of 46 trials on 29TCHMs(3522patients)were included.45 studies were RCTs and 1was CCT.In these 45 RCTs,only 2were appraised as adequately randomised.5of 46 trials were appraised as having low risk of bias in blinding.Sample sizes were generally small ranging from 26 to 216with a median of 68.All trials were conducted in China from 1997 to 2013.All 46 studies assessed cognition using one or a combination of the following scales:MMSE(n=40 studies;3096 patients),HDS(n=22;1664 patients),ADAS-Cog(n=4;241 patients),CDT(n=1;60patients)and CCSE(n=1;26patients).Half of the studies assessed daily function using either the ADL(n=22;1743 patients)or IADL(n=2;203patients).Only 6studies measured behaviour using the FAQ(n=3;226 subjects),BBS(n=1;48patients),NPI(n=1;100subjects)or Neurological Deficits Function Scale(n=1;91patients).30 studies measured global performance.31 of 46 studies made conclusions regarding the safety of the TCHMs.Despite the problems of methodology and reporting,we can identify three TCHMs-NaoXinTong,Shenfu and Tongxinluo as having relatively stronger evidence of efficacy.There is weak evidence for the safety of TCHMs for VaD.CONCLUSION There is weak evidence for the efficacy and safety of TCHMs for VaD because of the poor methodology,short duration of follow-up and inadequate reporting.However the agents appear to be relatively free of severe short-term AEs,hence we encourage further better designed and reported trials. OBJECTIVE To systematically review the clinical efficacy and safety on TCHMs that are used for vascular dementia (VaD). METHODS To identify studies for systematical review, electronic searches were performed through several databases - ALOIS, CNKI, CBM, Weipu, Wanfang, etc. Only randomized control trials (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs) were included. Patients were diagnosed with VaD by diagnostic criteria (DSM, NINDS-AIREN, ICD or HIS) as well as imaging technique (CT, MRI or functional imaging, etc) .Eligible TCHMs must be recognized in the Chinese Pharmacopeia or the National Essential Drug List of the People’s Republic of China.Included studies were appraised using the Cochrane Collaboration risk-of-bias criteria. Efficacy and safety outcomes were evaluated by meta-analysis .Efficacy statements include cognition, daily function, global performance and behavior; safety was assessed by the number of adverse events and number of subjects experiencing adverse events. Assessment of heterogeneity, subgroup analysis and sensitivity analysis were also performed .RESULTS A total of 46 trials on 29TCHMs (3522patients) were included.45 studies were RCTs and 1was CCT. These 45 RCTs, only 2were appraised as adequately randomized.5of 46 trials were appraised as having low risk of bias in blinding. Sample sizes were generally small ranging from 26 to 216 with a median of 68. All trials were conducted in China from 1997 to 2013.All 46 studies assessed of using one or a combination of the following scales: MMSE (n = 40 studies; 3096 patients), HDS (n = 22; 1664 patients), ADAS-Cog (n = 4; 241 patients), CDT (n = 1; 60patients) and CCSE the studies assess daily using either the ADL (n = 22; 1743 patients) or IADL (n = 2; 203 patients) .Only 6studies measured behavior using the FAQ (n = 3; 226 subjects) ), NPI (n = 1; 100subjects) or Neurological Deficits Function Scale (n = 1; 91patients) .30 studies measured global performance.31 of 46 studies made conclusions regarding the safety of the TCHMs.Despite the problems of methodology and reporting, we can identify three TCHMs-NaoXinTong, Shenfu and Tongxinluo as having weak stronger of of efficacy. There is weak evidence for the safety of TCHMs for VaD .CONCLUSION There is weak evidence for the efficacy and safety of TCHMs for VaD because of the poor methodology, short duration of follow-up and inadequate reporting. Despite the agents appear to be relatively free of severe short-term AEs, therefore we even better better designed and reported trials.
主要演员表:  蔡达标:真功夫原董事长  潘敏峰:蔡达标前妻  潘宇海:蔡达标前小舅子  蔡慧亭:蔡达标与潘敏峰之女  自从2008年前后真功夫爆发的内讧发酵,到真功夫原董事长蔡达标犯职务侵占罪和挪用资金罪终审获刑,真功夫内乱的故事,总算在2014年的这个夏天尘埃落定了。家族内斗,母女反目,前妻亲手把自己曾经深爱的男人送进监狱。一出上好的真人版现实题材经典家庭伦理剧,当然要从头说起。  剧情的开头
随着丰田一枝独秀地称霸全球汽车业,几乎全世界制造业都在学习丰田生产方式(TPS,Toyota’s Production System,也称精益管理)。  “中国制造”更是争先恐后。据不完全统计:在中国,汽车业及其上下游产业链几乎所有的企业都在推行TPS;在电子电器等行业,也有近一半的企业在学习或已把学习TPS纳入企业的下一步规划。其它行业只要上规模的制造企业,正在培训、推行TPS的也比比皆是。  
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