有的同志确诊为溃疡性结肠炎,对药物不知如何选用;有的治疗后又反复发作,甚为苦恼,很有必要谈谈本病的早期治疗和预防复发问题。 本病发生后,粘液血便每日在5次以下,腹痛轻,不伴全身症状,X线检查仅见粘膜粗糙或正常,内镜检查粘膜明显充血、粗糙,质脆易出血,有时可见分泌物附着。这种情况属于轻度。对轻度性溃疡性结肠炎,早期正确治疗和防止复发尤为重要。 溃疡性结肠炎属中医学中“肠澼”、“休息痢”、“久痢”、“久泻”、“便血”等范畴。临床上具有病程长、缠
Some comrades diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I do not know how to choose drugs; some treatment and recurrent episodes, very distressed, it is necessary to talk about the early treatment of this disease and prevent recurrence problems. After the occurrence of this disease, mucus bloody stool 5 times a day below, abdominal pain light, without systemic symptoms, X-ray examination showed mucosal rough or normal, endoscopic mucosal hyperemia, rough, crisp and easy bleeding, secretions can be seen sometimes attached . This situation is mild. For mild ulcerative colitis, the early correct treatment and prevention of recurrence is particularly important. Ulcerative colitis is a traditional Chinese medicine “intestine”, “resting dysentery”, “Jiu Li”, “long diarrhea”, “blood in the stool” and other areas. Clinically with a longer duration, wrapped