西藏在我的想象中是一个神秘的圣地。高山、雪原、牦牛群,还有林立的寺庙,对神灵顶礼膜拜的藏民和奔流不息的雅鲁藏布江。高山缺氧,气压低,也有人说它是生命的禁区,这又使人对西藏产生一种莫名的恐惧心理。我有幸于2000年9月随省水利学会组织的水资源保护考察团去四川、西藏考察长江上游水土保持和水能作用,走进神秘的西藏,一睹她的丰姿。 拉萨的寺庙 到西藏必定要到拉萨,到拉萨必定要参观寺庙,尤其是布达拉宫和罗布林卡、大昭寺。 拉萨市是西藏首府,具有1300多年历史,是西藏政治、经济、文化、宗教
Tibet is a mystical holy place in my imagination. Alpine, snow-capped mountains, yaks, temples, Tibetan worshipers and the Brahmaputra. Alpine hypoxia, low pressure, it was also said that it is a forbidden area of life, which in turn gives rise to an inexplicable sense of fear in Tibet. I was fortunate enough to go to Sichuan and Tibet to inspect the upper reaches of the Yangtze River for soil and water conservation and water energy in September 2000 with the visit of the Provincial Institute of Water Resources Protection to visit the mysterious Tibet and see her abundance. Lhasa’s temple to Tibet must be to Lhasa, to Lhasa to visit the temple, especially the Potala Palace and Norbulingka, Jokhang Temple. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet with a history of more than 1300 years and is the political, economic, cultural, and religious