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  "Calsee" uses technology to lead the rapid resumption of the exhibition industry
  In order to seek breakthroughs in the crisis and reinvigorate the confidence of Chinese enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, Schenkmesse has launched the "Calsee Cloud Exhibition System", using 5G and latest technologies such as blockchain, allow exhibitors in any corner of the world to participate in the exhibition from a first perspective and communicate effectively with on-site merchants.
  展览业平均每月创造全球经济总产值229亿欧元 (合262亿美元),创造超过27万个全职的就业机会。目前展会取消或延期造成的经济损失达165亿美元。首当其冲的是亚太地区,其经济损失已经超过96亿美元。在欧洲,随着越来越多的展览被迫延期或取消,其经济影响已经达到66亿美元。而其它地区的经济影响也正在估算中。
  UFI releases first global assessment of the economic impact that COVID-19 is having on trade shows and exhibitions
  On 10 March 2020, UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, is releasing the first global numbers that reflect the impact that trade show postponements and cancellations are having for both the exhibiting companies as well as for the trade show industry around the world. “Globally, the fact that more than 500 trade shows have not taken place in recent weeks is creating an escalating ripple effect for whole industries”, says Kai Hattendorf, UFI Managing Director/CEO.
  2月底,底特律的TCF中心全面升级了安保系统,以确保会展中心客户和访客使用到最先进和完备的安保系统。 TCF中心总经理Claude Molinari表示:“ TCF中心安全部门一直在与地方、联邦、国际执法机构合作,为会展活动参与者提供安全保障。” 为了改进TCF中心的安保流程,会展中心对安保部门的各个方面进行了增强和重组。 内部安保人员将扩展到三个班次,每个班次都有专门负责单场会展活动的主管人员。此外,已创建了一个全新的调度指挥中心。
  TCF Center updates security protocol
  Detroit’s TCF Center has reorganised its security services to assure customers and visitors of the most advanced and extensive protocols designed to keep events safe. “TCF Center security is constantly working with local, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies to provide safe and peaceful opportunities for events and visitors in the venue,” said Claude Molinari, general manager TCF Center/ ASM Global. To improve the organisation of the TCF Center security operations, several aspects of the department have been enhanced and reorganised. Scheduling of in-house security staff has been expanded to three shifts.
哥伦比亚阿哥拉波哥大会议中心地理位置极佳,距离波哥大老城区仅有3公里、黄金国际机场仅有8公里,并且位于波哥大的会展集聚区,举办活动十分方便。  波哥大作为哥伦比亚首都,一共有1000多万人口,经济基础雄厚且高度细分。当地GDP占到全国的30%以上。阿哥拉波哥大会议中心从2017年投用以来,迅速成为城内会展活动的焦点。此外,会议中心还是穿过市中心与机场的“城市创新区”的一部分。  会议中心总面积为6
New products and a well-conceived stand design are not the only drivers for a successful presence. Many other factors are also important, but trade fair planners often lose sight of them.  Positioning
由杜塞尔多夫展览公司举办的杜塞尔多夫葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会(ProWine)是世界规模最大和最受瞩目的葡萄酒和烈酒贸易展览会,上届展会于2019年3月15-17日举办,来自64个国家的约6,900家展商参与其中。自世界各地超过60,000名专业观众汇聚一堂,与展商进行洽谈,使杜塞尔多夫再次成为美食家、葡萄酒爱好者和世界探险家的乐土。  与往年一样,下届展览会同期举办“ProWein Goes Ci
5月10日 “中国品牌日”当天,杭州嘉诺展览有限公司展咖特辑直播,嘉诺会展创始人兼CEO程伟围绕参展企业的品牌建设进行了精彩分享。  在直播中,程伟表示:疫情期间,哪些企业还可以正常运行甚至在疫情结束之后快速反弹?一定是品牌企业。而对于会展企业来说,为什么要讲究“无品牌 不营销”呢?现在市面上的会展企业有三大类:会展服务公司、会展营销公司、会展主办公司。第一类是最多的,门槛低,只是做服务、搭展台,
As the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading all around the world, it takes the combined effort and global view to win the victory rather than just caring about the individual country.  新冠病毒來势汹汹,一觉醒来已席卷全球。面对
沈阳博览馆进入第三年向好运营  自3月15日以来,沈阳新世界博览馆(下称“博览馆”)已成功举办三场重要的展览活动,参展观众总人数突破12.4万,成功开启第三年的运营。相较于2018年,其中两场展会的特许场地面积均实现10%以上的增长。  博览馆总经理陈倩女士有信心地表示,沈阳作为中国东北辽宁省的省会城市,将继续经济增长态势。自2017年3月开业以来,博览馆凭借卓越的设备设施和地理位置上的优势以及政
The challenges that have arisen so quickly in connection with the recent COVID-19 outbreak are good reminders of how fast things can change in our hyper-connected world. The impacts on our industry ar
Based on the reports of both ICCA and UFI, the Asia/Pacific region remained the growth area of the world’s MICE industry. Thailand, meanwhile, remained at the top of ASEAN in the international meeting
Agora Bogotá Convention Centre is located strategically 3 km (two miles) from the historic centre of Bogotá and 8 km (five miles) from El Dorado International airport - and within the trade fairs, eve
大西洋城會议中心获LEED绿色建筑认证  5月初,由场地管理公司Spectra管理的大西洋城会议中心获得美国绿色建筑委员会颁发的LEED金质认证。“大西洋城会议中心的LEED认证体现了我们在绿色建筑方面的领导力。”USGBC总裁兼首席执行官Mahesh Ramanujam表示。会议中心相关负责人Jim Wood补充说:“获得LEED认证将增加我们的竞争优势,这一奖项让会展中心在可持续发展方面跻身于