First, the introduction Whether it is acupuncture anesthesia or acupuncture treatment, acupuncture good, the effect is good. In acupuncture anesthesia and acupuncture, there are many phenomena are used to explain the segmental distribution of the spinal cord, but there are many phenomena, with the segment theory can not be fully explained, such as acupuncture conduction is so broad, is an example . A sense of acupuncture is a kind of feeling, dialectical materialism that the feeling is “the image of the outside world.” So, for most of the body acupuncture, afferent impulse to the dorsal root of the spinal cord reflects a step in the process. Although these impulses are inevitably subject to the impact and influence of other impulses after they reach the center, understanding the characteristics of this process should be beneficial. Existing segmental plots of spinal dominance sensation are essentially based on skin sensation, the dermatome. The acupuncture is mainly deep feeling. Then the sensation caused by acupuncture impulse, its segmental distribution, with the same dermatome? If inconsistent, for the understanding of acupuncture phenomenon, what is the point?