试管婴儿,是用人工方法让卵子和精子在体外受精并进行早期胚胎发育,然后移植到母体子宫内发育而诞生的婴儿。由于这个过程的最早期阶段是在体外试管内进行的,故称“试管婴儿”。 英国学者爱德华兹和斯特普托是“试管婴儿”的先驱者,他们经过近20年的艰苦工作,世界上首例试管儿路易斯·布朗于1978年7月25日在英国的奥尔德姆出生。1980年,澳大利亚又出生一例,1981年12月,美国第一例试管婴儿出生。此后印度、希腊、法国等国和台湾也相继掌握该技术。1986年,中国卫生部将“试婴”研究确定为“七五”攻关重点项目,课题定为
IVF is a method of artificial fertilization of eggs and sperm in vitro and early embryo development, and then transplanted into the mother’s uterus and the birth of the baby. Since the earliest stages of this process were performed in in vitro tubes, it was called “IVF.” British scholar Edwards and Steptoe are the pioneers of “test tube babies”. After nearly 20 years of hard work, the world’s first test tube, Louis Brown, was in Oldham, England on July 25, 1978 Born In 1980, another baby was born in Australia. In December 1981, the first test-tube baby was born in the United States. Since then, India, Greece, France and other countries and Taiwan have also mastered the technology. In 1986, the Chinese Ministry of Health identified the “trial of baby” as a key project for the “Seventh Five-year Plan”