1.藁火(わらぴ) 藁火是从旭实生选育出来的一个极早熟的品种,盛花至成熟只需要60—65天,在选育地(埼玉县蕨市)6月下旬即可成熟,比旭早熟。果形似旭,扁圆形,单果重150克左右;果皮底色为绿色,着紫红色,条纹不明显,果锈少,果点小两稀;果皮有光泽,光滑;果肉白绿色,硬度中~软,致密,酸甜,汁中多;香味小,不耐贮,易变绵;果实生理病害少,早期落果和采前落果多。树姿、叶形等似旭,树体大小、树势、枝条粗度、节间长短皆中等;枝条褐色,短果枝多,腋花芽中多。扦插或压条繁殖容易。 2.阳光(ようてう) 阳光是从金冠自然杂交的实生苗中选育出来的一个红色品种。在选育地(群马县前桥市)果实10月20~25日成熟。果实长圆形,单果重300—350克,果皮底色黄
1. 藁 Fire (わ ら ぴ) 藁 Fire is a very early maturing variety bred from Asahi, it only takes 60-65 days to bloom to mature (Braised City, Saitama Prefecture) in late June to mature , Premature than Asahi. Fruit shape like Xu, flat round, single fruit weight about 150 grams; peel background color is green, purple, streaks obvious, fruit rust less, fruit small two dilute; peel shiny, smooth; flesh white green, hardness ~ Soft, dense, sweet and sour, juicy and more; scent small, stammered storage, easy to change cotton; fruit physiological disease less early drop fruit and plucked before harvest. Tree-like, leaf-shaped and other like Xu, tree size, tree potential, branch thickness, internode length are medium; branches brown, short branches, axillary buds and more. Cuttings or battens easy to breed. 2. Sunshine (yo う て う) sunshine is from Golden Delicious natural hybrid seedlings bred out of a red breed. At the breeding ground (Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture), the fruit is ripe from October 20 to 25. Fruit oblong fruit weight 300-350 grams, peel yellow background