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普通低价机型 CPU的市场价格几经跳水,现在300元就可以买到1GHz的处理器了,看来竞争真是消费者的福音。虽然VIA的芯片组不断出新,KT400也在市场上出现多时,不过除了支持一些新标准,其性能的提升还算不上飞跃,捷波屠龙XP+J-868AS PRO采用的是KT266A芯片组和8233A南桥的组合,做工用料各方面都可圈可点,性价比颇高。由于内存大涨,DDR内存的价格几乎翻倍,同时国内市场内存质量普遍低劣,品牌内存成为目前的唯一选择,况且内存品质直接关系到系统的稳定性,不可马虎;显卡方面采用GF2 MX400的原因就是因为它便宜够用,对于一般的游戏都能应付。同内存一样,硬盘价格也在短短的一个月内翻倍增长,目前虽然有回落迹象,不过价格依然偏高,希捷U6系列的性能和价格都很不错,绝对是处机配置的首选。 The market price of the ordinary low-cost model CPU has been diving, and now you can buy a 1GHz processor for $300. It seems that competition is really the gospel of consumers. Although the VIA chipset continues to be new, the KT400 is also on the market for a long time, but in addition to supporting a number of new standards, its performance is still not a quantum leap. Jetway Tulong XP+J-868AS PRO uses the KT266A chipset. With the combination of 8233A South Bridge, all aspects of workmanship materials are remarkable and cost-effective. Due to the soaring of memory, the price of DDR memory almost doubled. At the same time, the quality of memory in the domestic market was generally low. Brand memory became the only choice at present. Moreover, the quality of the memory was directly related to the stability of the system and was not sloppy; the reason for using the GF2 MX400 card was It’s because it’s cheap enough, and it can handle ordinary games. As with memory, hard drive prices have doubled in just one month. Although there are signs of falling, prices are still high. The performance and price of the Seagate U6 series are very good, and it is definitely the first choice for server configuration.
IBM开始垂青Linux。这只企鹅会不会成为下一个DOS? IBM began to favor Linux. Will this penguin become the next DOS?
网络附加数据访问和内容发布解决方案供应商美国网域存储公司(Network Appliance)最近推出集中存储管理工具NetApp DataFabric Manager 1.1,这是集中管理全局企业网络中几百
越来越多的事实证明,IT仅仅是企业保持竞争力的众多工具或手段中的一种。 More and more facts prove that IT is just one of the many tools or tools that companies use