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上海英雄股份有限公司所生产的英雄牌自来水笔、博士牌圆珠笔长期来一直受到消费者的喜爱,在国内市场占有率达56.73%,覆盖率达90%;但在出口方面,过去因受旧体制束缚,却一直处于排徊不前的局面,严重阻碍了企业外向型发展的步伐。近几年来,公司乘改革浪潮,抓住机遇,深化改革,转换机制,大手笔开拓国际市场,使企业的出口工作在短短的几年内出现了“五个突破”:一是歌美市场实现了“零”的突破,市场份额占公司出口市场的35%,年创汇达350多万美元;二是产品出口的国家和地区有了突破,由1991年的30多个上升到现在的60多个;三是出口产品结构有了突破,由单一的自来水笔品种向代表“英雄”晶牌的中高档产品转移;四是出口数量有了突破,由占全国同行的40%上升到65%,成为国际自来水笔出口数量最多的企业之一;五是出口创汇有了突破,年创汇超过1000万美元, Hero Brand fountain pens and Dr. brand ballpoint pens produced by Shanghai Hero Co., Ltd. have been loved by consumers for a long time, accounting for 56.73% of the domestic market, with a coverage rate of 90%; but in terms of exports, the old system was used in the past. Constrained, it has been in a stagnant situation, which seriously hindered the pace of outward-oriented development of the company. In recent years, the company has taken advantage of the wave of reforms, seized the opportunity, deepened reform, transformed mechanisms, and developed the international market with great efforts. This has enabled the company’s export work to achieve “five breakthroughs” in a few short years: First, the market has achieved “Zero” breakthrough, market share accounted for 35% of the company’s export market, with an annual foreign exchange of more than 3.5 million US dollars; Second, the product export countries and regions have made breakthroughs, from more than 30 in 1991 to more than 60 now; Thirdly, there has been a breakthrough in the structure of export products, from a single fountain pen variety to the transfer of mid- to high-end products representing the “Hero” brand; fourth is the breakthrough in the number of exports, which has increased from 40% of the national counterparts to 65%, becoming international One of the enterprises with the largest number of export fountain pens; the fifth is a breakthrough in export foreign exchange, with an annual foreign exchange earning of more than US$10 million.
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