老刘大哥的春节家事 三奶奶和我家的除夕

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1964年春节前,大约是腊八过后的几天里,一个小老太太随着父亲进了我家的门。我记得很清楚,这个老太太的发型不像我妈妈那样是剪短的,而是在后头梳了一个髻子。那天早晨天还没亮,妈妈就摸着我藏在被窝里的头说,今天不许睡懒觉,一会儿三奶奶来。当时爸爸不在家,妈妈说是在单位值班,天亮了才能回来。我不知道还有三奶奶,只知道在北京远郊的顺义老家有一个爷爷和一个奶奶,但也因为只让母亲带着回过一次老家,已经记不得他们的样子。陪三奶奶到我家的还有一个年轻些的女人,后来我才知道是堂叔家的长发婶。她比三奶奶好看多了,脸色红 Before the Spring Festival 1964, about a few days after Laba, a young lady entered the door of my house with her father. I remember very clearly that this old woman's hairstyle was not shortened like my mother, but combed a bun behind her. It was still dark that morning, and my mother touched my head hidden in bed and said that I was not allowed to sleep late and grandmother would come for a while. At that time, my father was not at home. My mother said she was on duty at the unit and could come back when it was dawn. I do not know there are three grandma, only know that there is a grandfather and a grandmother in the hometown of Shunyi in the outskirts of Beijing, but also because they can only remember their mother with her hometown. Grandmother accompanied my grandmother to my house there is a young woman, and later I did not know it is a long-haired aunt uncle Hall. She looks better than grandmother, his face red
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