Metasomatism of the peridotites from southern Mariana fore-arc: Trace element characteristics of cli

来源 :中国科学D辑(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boblllll
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Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopyroxene with higher Al2O3 content (>7%) and lower Mg#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are analyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE, while magnesiohornblende has higher content of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti, and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influenced by temperature and pressure.
目的 探讨电离辐射诱导正常人B淋巴细胞线粒体辐射敏感基因mRNA水平的剂量-效应关系.方法 用0、0.5、1、3、5、8、10和15 Gy60 Coγ射线分别照射指数增长期的人淋巴细胞永生
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Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles a