The 1985 edition of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” was revised and issued on April 1 last year. This version of the Pharmacopoeia has a great improvement in the content, especially in the detection of the quality of proprietary Chinese medicines, with important breakthroughs. Natural medicines are dominated by natural medicines, and blind drugs contain multiple components. If it is composed of a variety of traditional Chinese medicines, the contained ingredients are more complex. Therefore, the detection technology of traditional Chinese medicines, especially proprietary Chinese medicines, is difficult. The focus of the 1985 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia on the quality standards of proprietary Chinese medicines lies in the identification and determination of the intrinsic quality of drugs. In the past, through chemical methods or spectral analysis, although some of the major components of proprietary Chinese medicines can also be determined, they often do not reflect the characteristics of proprietary Chinese medicines. Some of the identification items are not very specific. In the research work, some varieties are applied in thin layers to identify thin