蔬菜保护地栽培,是调节淡季生产供应的重要措施。80年代以来,我国许多城市近郊塑料大棚和温室蔬菜保护生产有很大发展,但冬季因用煤或燃油加温成本高,使用受到限制。为了节省能源,探索蔬菜保护栽培加温的新途径,我所从1980年以来,自行设计中型沼气池组(5 × 50米3),和贮气、输
Vegetable cultivation, is to regulate the production and supply of off-season important measures. Since the 1980s, there have been great developments in the protection and production of plastic greenhouses and greenhouses in the suburbs of many cities in our country. However, the use of coal or oil in winter is costly and the use is limited. In order to save energy and explore new ways of heating and protecting vegetables, I designed a medium-sized biogas digester (5 × 50 m 3)