日前,宁海城关镇跃龙大桥进行了一场别开生面、声势浩大的消防演习。6辆拖拉机插上红旗、装着水泵和水枪,队员们娴熟地操作着……可就在10多分钟前,队员们还在各忙自己的活。 这支消防队就是当地赫赫有名的宁海城关义务消防队。解放前,宁海城乡大都是木结构房子,火灾频繁。1937年,深受火灾之苦的宁海城区居民自发组成300多人的义务救火队——“水龙会”,担负起灭火任务。现有108名队员的宁海缄关义务消防总队,绝大多数队员都和当年的“水龙会”有渊源关系。父传子、子传孙,“救火功德无量”的信条一代代传了下
Recently, Ninghai Chengguan Town, Yuelong Bridge conducted a spectacular, massive fire drills. Six tractors plugged in red flags, loaded pumps and water cannons, and the crew worked skillfully ... but just over ten minutes ago, the players were still busy with their own lives. This fire department is the famous Ninghai Chengguan volunteer fire brigade. Before liberation, most of Ninghai urban and rural areas were wooden houses with frequent fires. In 1937, residents of Ninghai City, who suffered so much from the fire, spontaneously formed an obligatory fire brigade, the “Water Dragon Association,” of over 300 people to take on the task of extinguishing fire. The existing Ninghai members of the 108 members of the Coast Guard duty fire brigade, the vast majority of players and the year’s “Water Dragon” have a relationship. Father son, son Biography Sun, “unlimited merit fire” creed passed down from generation to generation