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“误伤”是以美军为首的多国部队在海湾战争中因相互协调不好而造成的自相残杀事件而提出的:“误炸”是由以美空军为主的北约部队空袭南联盟,介入科索沃危机,对国际列车、平民等进行狂轰滥炸,特别是轰炸我驻南使馆设施所采用的借口:“误航”是美军出动各种间谍侦察飞机,对别的国家领土主权进行公然侵犯,搜集情报时被对方发现或被驱逐或被击落,在夕卜交上采取的一种辩解词。三者之间主要区别在于,“误伤”是分不清敌我的无意行为,“误炸”是美军野蛮的故意行径,“误航”是美军搞霸权的”鬼把戏”。 The “accidental injury” was made by the multinational force headed by the U.S. military in the wake of the fratricidal conflict caused by the poor co-ordination during the Gulf War. “Wrong bombing” was caused by air strikes by the U.S. Air Force-led NATO forces in the FRY and intervention in Kosovo Crisis, indiscriminate bombing of international trains and civilians, especially the bombing of the embassy facilities in the southern embassy. The “wrong flight” is a result of the U.S. military dispatching various spy reconnaissance aircraft and blatantly violating the territorial sovereignty of other countries. When intelligence was collected, the other party discovered or was deported or shot down and took an excuse on the evening. The main difference between the three lies in the fact that “accidental injury” can not tell the enemy or unintentionally their behavior. “Wrong bombing” is a brutal deliberate act of the U.S. armed forces. “Mishandling” is a “trick trick” for the U.S. military to engage in hegemony.