南充市火花公社农机站杜荣生同志来信询问有关计算肥料纯氮等问题。现请省农科院土肥所何才富同志回答。·编者· (一)计算纯氮方法。首先应根据某种作物的产量要求、土壤和气侯条件确定需要施用某种肥料的数量,然后根据肥料中含养分百分数即可算出。其换算式为: 养分数量=肥料数量×肥料中含养分的百分数, 或:某种肥料用量(斤/亩)
Comrade Du Rongsheng, a sparkling agricultural station in Nanchong City, wrote a letter asking questions about calculating pure nitrogen in fertilizers. Provincial Academy of Agricultural Fertilizer now please comrades who answer why. · Editor · (a) calculation of pure nitrogen method. First of all, the amount of fertilizer that needs to be applied should be determined according to the yield requirements of a certain crop, soil and climatic conditions, and then the percentage of nutrients contained in the fertilizer can be calculated. The conversion formula is: Number of nutrients = number of fertilizers × percentage of nutrients contained in fertilizers, or: a certain amount of fertilizer (kg / mu)