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在中国,1956年第一辆解放卡车在第一汽车制造厂下线,两年后,第一辆红旗轿车驶入中南海;50年后的今天,中国已成为世界第二大汽车消费市场。半个世纪以来,伴随着共和国从“一五”到“十五”的发展步伐,中国的汽车业也从边际产业发展为国民经济重要支柱产业,并使中国汽车业逐渐脱离计划经济模式,走向市场导向体制。在这个舞台上, 一辆辆各式新车无疑牵引着人们关注的目光,但汽车行业的领军精英、有识之士们却是真正的主角,他们长期全身心地浸润在这个行业中,对中国汽车的发展有着切身的感悟和深刻的思考,而每年的“两会”,作为人大代表或政协委员的他们,更是发声最集中的时段。2006年是“十一五”开局的第一年,也是汽车业新的五年战略的制定年,在欣喜地看到中国车市消费“井喷”的同时,本土品牌依旧在困境中挣扎,不理性的消费行为和不科学的汽车税收政策等现实存在的制约中国汽车产业发展的瓶颈和矛盾,更让中国汽车人为之苦思良策。两会期间,代表和委员们是如何为中国汽车业的大发展把脉诊疗的,是如何献计献策的,势必成为人们关注的焦点。 In China, the first Jiefang truck was off the assembly line at No.1 Automobile Works in 1956. Two years later, the first Hongqi sedan entered Zhongnanhai. Fifty years later, China has become the second largest automobile consumer market in the world. For half a century, along with the Republic’s pace of development from the “January 5” to the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”, China’s automobile industry has also developed from a marginal industry to an important pillar industry of the national economy and gradually removed China’s auto industry from the planned economy mode. Market-oriented system. On this arena, a variety of new vehicles undoubtedly draw attention to people’s attention, but the automotive industry’s leading elite, people of insight is the real protagonist, they long-term immersion in this industry, the Chinese car The development of the "NPC and CPPCC members as the NPC and CPPCC members is even more time-intensive. The year 2006 marks the first year of the 11th Five-Year Plan and the first year of the new five-year strategy for the automobile industry. While we are delighted to see the blowout of Chinese auto market consumption, local brands are still struggling and irrational in their predicament Consumer behavior and unscientific car tax policies and other realistic constraints of the development of China’s automobile industry bottlenecks and contradictions, but also for Chinese car people think hard. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions, how deputies and commissioners put pulse diagnosis and treatment for the great development of China’s automobile industry are bound to be the focus of attention.
A 49-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our department because of high fever and a huge abdominal mass. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR
中国汽车工业已有50多年历史,可还没有从整体上形成自主研发体系;中国汽车产量已突破500万辆,可还没有成为真正意义上的汽车强国;中国汽车企业推出的汽车品牌和产品很多,可是拥有自主产权的屈指可数,自己研发的更是凤毛麟角。  中国工程院院士郭孔辉在长春市举办的一个汽车论坛上,用一个形象的说法来比喻中国汽车工业的现状:50多岁未成年,自己走路还没学会,为什么如此“大器晚成”?只因长期靠人抱,没想下地学走