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[践行介绍]“每日一语”是一个全新概念,是重庆市璧山区璧泉小学校首次提出,它是学生语文素养阶梯式培置的一种思考,是一类面向全体学生的实践活动,是语文教学中“积跬步以至千里”的有效积累方法。它的宗旨是“每日习得一语,必将受益一生”。它的目的是把舞台交还给学生,让各班学生在每天固定的时间内,依次轮流登台展示一个成语或一个语文知识点,重拾个人信心与学习兴趣,进而体验中华成语文化的博大精深。 [Practice introduction] “Daily One ” is a new concept, is the first time in Bishan District, Chongqing Bisheng primary school, which is a kind of thinking of the students language literacy stepped training is a class for all students Practice activities, is the language teaching “Accumulation and even thousands of miles ” effective accumulation method. Its purpose is to “learn the phrase daily, will benefit a lifetime.” Its purpose is to return the stage to the students so that students in each class can demonstrate their idiosyncratic or linguistic knowledge points in turns in a fixed time frame every day to regain personal confidence and interest in learning so as to experience the profound and profound Chinese idiom culture.
[摘 要] 通过澄清“教学做一体化”课改“是什么、怎么改和改什么”等问题的认识,提出大胆实践、勇于创新才能为高职课改谱写新篇。  [关 键 词] 教学做一体化;高职课改;教法创新  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)13-0178-02  在建设创新型国家和“全民创业、万众创新”的时代背景下,高职课程改革(以下简称“课改”)是大势所趋。推进高