中華全國台湾同胞聯誼會(簡稱全國台聯)是居住在祖國大陸的台湾同胞的群衆團體,它的任務之一,便是努力促進在台灣和海外的台湾各族同胞同祖國大陸開展經濟交流,積極協助他们前來經商、投资、建厂。去年,全國台聯專門設立了經濟部,负责這方面的工作。部長謝秋涵是台湾知名人士謝南光之女,一位卓有成就的计算機專家(詳見本刊一九八五年第八期),现在改做經濟工作。她和她領導的全國台聯經濟部是怎樣爲台胞服務的呢?最近,筆者專门就此訪問了她。問:台聯是群衆團體,以聯誼爲宗旨,爲什麽要專設經濟部呢? 答:有一位從海外回来的老台胞曾對我们這樣說:‘這是我第一次回國,很想看看祖國的錦繡河山,但目的不限於此。我是抱着探索的心情,來瞭解在國内投资、經商的可能性的,想用自己的资金支援祖國的四化建設。’他的話很有代表性,
The All-China Association of Taiwan Friends in Taiwan (NTU) is a mass organization of Taiwan compatriots living in the motherland’s mainland. One of its tasks is to work hard to promote the economic exchanges between compatriots in Taiwan and other ethnic groups in Taiwan and the mainland China, Actively assist them to come to business, investment, construction. Last year, the National Taiwan Strait set up a special economic department to take charge of this work. Minister Xie Qiuhan is the daughter of a well-known Taiwanese artist Xie Nankuang, an accomplished computer expert (see Issue 8, Issue 8, 1985), and is now changing his economics work. How did she and the Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs under her leadership serve Taiwan compatriots? Recently, I visited her specifically for this purpose. Q: Why do you want to set up the Ministry of Economy solely for the purpose of friendship? A Taiwanese compatriot who returned from overseas once said to us: ’This is my first return and I really want to see Look at the motherland’s beautiful rivers and mountains, but the purpose is not limited to this. I hold the spirit of exploration to understand the possibility of investing and doing business in China and want to use my own funds to support the four modernizations of the motherland. His words are very representative,