庸人张继的《枫桥夜泊》是千古传诵的一首诗章: 月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠, 姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。诗人客居旅途,孤帆夜泊,当簌簌江枫,对点点渔火,真是百无聊赖、寂寞极矣!这时,诗人忽闻从姑苏城外寒山寺传来的隐隐钟声,深沉而又悠长,它冲破长夜的静寂,唤起诗人的情思。据说这寒山寺的钟声,夜深能够传送数十里之遥。可惜当年的这口古钟早已散失,不知所之;现存的这口古钟乃后人制作。
Mediocre Zhangji “Maple Night at Night” is a verse chanting throughout the ages: moonlight Wuti frost, Jiangfeng Yuhuo sleepwalking, Gushan outside the Hanshan Temple, midnight bells to the passenger ship. The poet solitary journey, lonely sail at night, when the Qionglai Jiang Feng, a little fishing boat, really bored, lonely extremely! At this time, the poet suddenly heard from the outside of Gansu Hanshan Temple came faint bells, deep and long, It breaks the silence of the night, arouse the poet’s feelings. It is said that this Hanshan Temple bell, at night to send tens of miles away. Unfortunately, this ancient bell of the year has long been lost, I do not know; the existing ancient bell is made later.