在中日甲午战争前 ,“新学”这一概念在一般中国人的言论著述中几乎还见不到 ,直到 19世纪 90年代的最后几年 ,即甲午中日战争爆发之后 ,这种状况才发生变化。在 1895年至 1899年的五年间 ,特别是资产阶级维新变法运动开始后 ,中国才出现一个传播西学的热潮 ,创办新式学堂等新?
Before the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the concept of “new learning” was hardly seen in the general Chinese remarks and it was only in the last years of the 1890s, after the Sino-Japanese War in Sino-Japanese Change. During the five years from 1895 to 1899, especially after the bourgeois reform movement began, did China have a new wave of dissemination of Western learning and founding new schools and other new things?